4D Scheduling
9 de July de 20215D Costs
9 de July de 20217D Facility Management
Using the BIM models of your projects, we are able to include, in the modeled elements, all the necessary information that is crucial for the facility management phases of the project, and with the help of our partners facility management, our clients will have all the resources needed to design and execute works like systems automatization, infrastructure maintenance, etc.
- As-Built plans from the BIM model
- As-Built BIM models
- Technical information of all the modeled elements
- Federated BIM models
- Database from the digital twin (BIM model) of the project.
- Automatization Systems for building operations
Information expected from the client
- Project Plans
- Project Information
- Coordination meetings
Possible deliverables from Abstract PLM
- As-Built Models
- Complete documentation from modeled elements
- Project plans updated with the latest information available
- Open format exportable information
Possible Applications
- Existing elements control
- Discipline federation in one BIM model
- Updatable database through a digital twin (BIM model)